Why Movies on Mobile Devices Are Not (Yet) a Worldwide Phenomenon

In all the excitement about the ways motion pictures can be distributed digitally on The Long Tail, it's wise to remember that not everyone in the world has a smart phone or video-enabled mobile device. Consequently (even though most of movie revenue comes from the places where smart phones are common) custom and the economics of the world market suggest that movies that make all their revenue on old-school platforms (e.g., theaters, TV and on DVD) aren't going away any time soon. Before you start making products that can only be distributed via a smart phone or the Internet, think about the mass audience. What does your demand curve really look like? How will customers buy and use your product? In this insightful Gizmodo article about the world's most popular phone, John Herrman reminds us to think about the audience. Consider the needs of all possible consumers. Are there customers with old delivery systems who are under-served?

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