References to 70-80’s movies in Stranger Things

Journalist and filmmaker Ulysse Thevenon put together this side-by-side comparison: This summer's Netflix binge-watching hit Stranger Things and some of the prior films that might have been an inspiration (The Goonies, Alien, E.T., Carrie, etc.). 

UPDATE: August 1, 2016 Here is a link to a glossary of films that inspired Stranger Things.

UPDATE: August 19, 2016 This update has two parts! 
First, from Vox, comes a delightful dive into the creation of the distinctive retro title sequence for Stranger Things:

And second? I just saw - for the first time - the (underappreciated?) J. J. Abrams 2011 film, Super 8. Although it isn't mentioned in the glossary I linked to on Aug. 1 (above), other netizens have commented on the many similarities between Stranger Things and Super 8. To help in making that comparison, I'll post one of the official Super 8 trailers here. While not optimal, the Super 8 trailer below suggests some of the elements that might have found their way into Stranger Things. I must say, having just binge-watched Stranger Things, I really enjoyed the dubbed-into-Thai version of Super 8 that I just caught on a hotel TV in Chonburi. 

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