Great Low-Budget Film Guerrilla Marketing

UWR Week 42 - Build a Kino Flo style light for $100 in 3 hours from Realm Pictures on Vimeo.
This video post from the producer's of The UnderWater Realm coincided with the start of their Kickstarter campaign.

Notice how useful content - how to build your own low-cost lighting equipment - becomes a marketing tool for their film project.

I am sharing this content because I know my audience will be interested in the lighting hack: My social media circles include a lot of low-budget filmmakers. This is how content marketing works: The "viral" spread of information about your film - in this case information about The UnderWater Realm, five short films about the five times human kind has come into contact with a mysterious aquatic race over the last 2000 years - rides along with other valuable content.

I try not to shill here for individual projects - but the clever way these filmmakers are using content marketing - providing entertaining and useful info about filmmaking that I am happy to pass on to my filmmaking friends - deserves some reward. So here - once again - is a link to The UnderWater Realm's Kickstarter campaign

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