Of particular interest to filmmakers is the way AdParlor used their experience with the Facebook Ads API (application programming interface) to precisely define and target Crime City’s optimal audience and then drive a large volume of users to the game using targeted Facebook Ads: “With access to the Facebook Ads’ API, we have built a layer of technology that allows us to create and optimize ads much more efficiently than any other source,” says Hussein Fazal, CEO of AdParlor. According to a press release from Facebook: "Social targeting directed the ads to friends of past or existing users, with the name of the friend who had played the game shown in the ad as further incentive to click-through. Meanwhile, exclusion targeting ensured that people who had already installed the game weren’t shown the ad."
While microbudget filmmakers may not be able to afford experienced consultants like AdParlor and your film isn't a Facebook game, even the smallest film can enlist a volunteer Producer of Marketing and Distribution. And - using the free tools available by clicking Advertising at the bottom of the Facebook homepage - for under $100 you can start a small targeted ad campaign for your film via Facebook Ads.
Thanks to Jon Reiss for catching this item about AdParlor - and how they are targeting Facebook Ads - and recognizing its significance for microbudget filmmakers.
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