Seth Godin on the Incredible Power of Slow Change

Marketing guru Seth Godin blogged on Friday August 13th, 2010 about slow change.

I've found that Godin's pithy blogposts (which tend to be about marketing in the new digital media landscape) almost always have something of value for DIY filmmakers. I was particularly struck by this post's central point: People with products to market - like films - don't need to worry about the latest technology, but we should pay attention to the evolutionary changes.

According to Godin, the "[c]ultural shifts, changes in habits, technologies that slowly obsolete a product or a system are the ones that change our lives. Watch for shifts in systems and processes and expectations." Godin advises us to look past the latest technology or headline, but to pay attention to the trends that will kill a delivery method (like DVDs) and the evolution in marketing approaches (Web 2.0) that are changing how we will communicate with our audience.

Godin writes "The slow changes in the media landscape are accelerating and virtually every pre-digital system is in danger. The slow changes in the marketing landscape are in their second decade and these changes will have their effects on every business and cause as well."

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